What is Hot Stone Fusion?

Generally relaxing, hot stone fusion is a deep unwinding massage combining heat from the stones into the massage. The heated stones are used throughout the massage in an active way, not just placed on your body. 

The massage is generally done at a slow pace in that the stroke is done slowly and deeply. This allows the muscles to relax, reset their tone and feel revived. Some stones may be placed in your hands, under shoulders to allow heat to deeply penetrate the body: while I may work on another area. Larger hot stones will be used to massage your body alongside the balm and my hands. 

It really is an amazing sensation, generally after the first or second time of the stone being used on the body, the person finds it difficult to determine which is my hand and which is the stone.

Using the stones actively during the massage allows their heat to penetrate the full fibre length of the muscles. 

Clients love the sensation of the feeling of heat and relaxation that is created by a stone being applied down their back, up the length of their neck or releasing tension in the back of the legs.

There is generally a slightly longer resting period at the end of this massage, I allow an extra 5 minutes especially if they have been used on back, shoulder and neck area as many clients feel a little spaced out and just need the extra few minutes to become grounded again.


Rosemary started with giving me massages occasionally, later I decided to make it more regular and now attend her clinic every 2 weeks for a 30 minute massage. My pain has decreased significantly and I have more mobility.

-  Constant Pain
{Female, 89yo Melrose}