What Is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is another name for manual muscle testing and evaluates where imbalance is and allows me to present you a whole of body picture. It is not a way of diagnosing diseases.

It incorporates elements of modern Western medicines of the physical body alongside the ancient Eastern traditional energetic aspects of acupuncture through meridian flow and acupressure and the whole of body approach.

There are many techniques within Kinesiology that can restore balance. This can include working on the jaw, the ileocecal valve, the spine, what bi-lateral muscle imbalances can mean, emotion stored in the tissues, chakras and much more.

The seven pathways in the body that work in an interwoven way are:

  • Nervous (Communication) system

  • Lymphatic (Cleansing & Immunity)system

  • Vascular (blood) system

  • Cerebrospinal (Brain/Spine) Fluid

  • Meridian (Acupuncture) System

  • Emotion - encompassing thoughts, feelings, habits and behaviour

  • Nutrition through food, supplements, herbs etc

Kinesiology offers several potential benefits for individuals seeking holistic approaches to health and wellness:

1. Personalised Assessment: Kinesiology provides personalised assessments by evaluating the responsiveness of muscles, allowing me to gain insights into your unique health needs and concerns.

2. Holistic Approach: Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses solely on treating symptoms, kinesiology takes a holistic approach to health, considering the interconnectedness of the body, mind, energy, environment and spirit. This approach aims to address underlying imbalances rather than just alleviating symptoms.

3. Comprehensive Toolkit: Practitioners of kinesiology use muscle testing techniques to check for various health issues, including nutritional deficiencies, sensitivities, structural misalignments, and emotional stressors, providing a comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to an individual's health concerns.

4. Tailored Treatment Plans: Based on the findings from muscle testing, kinesiologists develop personalised treatment plans that may include dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, stimulating acupuncture points, affirmations and other therapies tailored to your specific needs and goals.

5. Non-Invasive and Drug-Free: Kinesiology offers non-invasive and drug-free treatment options, making it appealing to individuals who prefer natural and holistic approaches to healthcare and those seeking alternatives to conventional medical interventions.

6. Promotes Wellness and Prevention: By addressing underlying imbalances and supporting the body's natural healing processes, kinesiology promotes overall wellness and helps prevent future health problems, empowering individuals to take proactive steps towards maintaining optimal health and vitality.

7. Integrative Healthcare: Kinesiology can complement and integrate with other healthcare modalities, including conventional medicine, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and naturopathy, offering a comprehensive approach to health and wellness that addresses the diverse needs of individuals.

Overall, kinesiology offers a holistic and personalised approach to health and wellness, empowering individuals to take an active role in their healthcare journey and achieve optimal well-being.

Food Intolerances is a well-known aspect of kinesiology and is a very useful way to check for challenging foods or substances. It can also be used to find foods to restore and energise your body. However this is only one of a huge number of ways kinesiology can help you, it’s also a very safe modality.


During the Session

Muscle tests are done on arms or legs mainly whilst the client remains clothed, gentle pressure is used. This is testing the energetic response not physical strength. When doing the rebalancing techniques or corrections as they are often called, I may massage or hold specific points related to organs/glands. Nutritional supplements, essences, oils, colour can all be checked to see what specific requirements your body wants to restore its vitality.

More Information

Kinesiology works within a “pyramid of health” the three sides of the pyramid are Structural, Chemical and Mental.  Energetic and/or Environment is also incorporated as the pyramids foundational base. Any of these sides when out of balance will affect the others and therefore the whole body.

  • This is when an area of the physical body is out of balance and gives rise to structural symptoms such as lower back pain, shoulder pain often involving the rotator cuff, joint pain in general. It can also include muscle pain and may stem from an accident, sports injury, postural problems or other traumas.

  • The digestive system and its many complaints/ailments come under the chemical banner. Food Intolerance, nutritional deficiencies, inflammatory foods such as gluten can all be major disrupters to how our digestion works.

    Another aspect of how our body works on a chemical level is the Endocrine System. These glands found around the body (head and torso), they produce chemicals and when out of balance they can create havoc. Ask anyone who has had problems with:

    menopause , PMT, thyroid problems, stress , sex drive and they will agree, hormones can have an adverse effect on life.

    Beneficial changes happen when balance is restored.

  • As human beings we have been given the gift of a broad spectrum of emotions.

    When they feel more like a hindrance, you know they are out of balance.

    Anger - Grief - Fear - Sadness - Anguish - Self-Loathing - Self-Esteem etc

    are all deep emotions and we may not know how to talk about how they are affecting our lives. Sometimes it feels like it will open Pandora’s Box if we go there. Kinesiology has many tools and techniques that are powerful, effective and simple and can be totally life changing. The issue doesn’t even have to be said out loud, emotional imbalance can be detected when the client just thinks about the issue which can be a relief if you would rather not speak about the issue.

    Some of the most courageous clients I have seen and helped over the years are the ones who showed up with emotions and asked for help.

The benefits I have felt include feeling better balanced, less pain and I have lost nearly a stone in 5 months without suffering! I would be very happy to recommend Rosemary

-  Joint Pain, Tiredness & Weight
{Male, 60s, Selkirk Area}